
A family-owned company as buoyant as ever.

Refta AG

As a spe­cia­list for fro­zen food Refta offers inno­va­ti­ve and pre­mi­um qua­li­ty fro­zen food pro­ducts. As an exclu­si­ve part­ner, we pro­vi­de you with uni­que smoothies and the award-win­ning fruit pulp from Pon­thi­er throug­hout Switz­er­land. A wide ran­ge of addi­tio­nal pro­ducts of renow­ned sup­pli­ers com­ple­te our ran­ge of sup­p­ly.
Due to our sta­te of the art infra­struc­tu­re we can gua­ran­tee an unbro­ken cold chain from the manu­fac­tu­rer to you. Our cli­ents are restau­rants, re-sel­lers in the food sec­tor as well as manu­fac­tu­ring com­pa­nies with hig­hest demands.

Rudolf Reust AG

More than 60 years ago, Rudolf Reust and his wife Rena­te foun­ded a who­le­sa­le com­pa­ny for vege­ta­bles and fruit in Zurich. The first sales-stand of the cur­rent Rudolf Reust AG was loca­ted at Kon­rad­stras­se 1, right behind the main rail­way sta­ti­on in Zurich. Alre­a­dy at that time we sold fresh pro­ducts from the regi­on as well as deli­cious fruit from Ita­ly. Some­ti­mes the cli­ents were ser­ved direct­ly from the arri­ving rail­way wagons.
In 1980, on com­ple­ti­on of the new “Zür­cher Engros­markt” in Alt­stet­ten, Rudolf Reust AG was among­st the first sup­pli­ers with their mar­ket stand. Mean­while the fami­ly-owned com­pa­ny is run by the Reust brot­hers Fre­di and Rue­di in the second gene­ra­ti­on. We con­ti­nue to ser­ve our loy­al cli­ents on the mar­ket stand in the “Engros­markt”.

Reust Gastro AG

For the buy­ers who are no lon­ger coming to the “Engros­markt” in per­son, the Reust brot­hers foun­ded Reust Gas­tro AG in 2003. Every day, we sup­p­ly hotels, pro­vi­ders of con­ve­ni­ence food, nur­sing homes and care cen­tres as well as restau­rants with fresh pro­ducts and offer a wide ran­ge of ser­vices. Many cli­ents rely incre­asing­ly on our com­pe­tence and expe­ri­ence when it comes to choo­sing exqui­si­te fruit and vege­ta­bles in best qua­li­ty and abso­lu­te fresh­ness for you.
The loyal­ty of our cus­to­mers is the best evi­dence for our con­vin­cing qua­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty. We not only deli­ver on time and relia­bly but we also look ahead pro­vi­ding alter­na­ti­ves in case some­thing is not available in the reques­ted qua­li­ty or quan­ti­ty. Among­st fruit, vege­ta­bles and herbs Reust Gas­tro pro­vi­des also fro­zen food and fresh pro­du­ce such as milk, cream, cheese and ever­y­thing else you may need. Day by day.